Ventura Aviation offers flight training at the facilities located at 635 Bomber Dr., at Griffis Airport in Rome, NY. Schedule and availability varies based on instructor but is generally available weekdays and Sundays. Appointment based only!
Our 180HP Cessna 172 is flown and managed by our lead instructor Patrick Bonin. Whether you are completely new to aviation, brushing up on skills, or coming to us with some experience in hand, our instructor(s) has the ability to guide you on the journey from private rating, to commercial, CFI and onward.
On site, we have a ground training room and pilot lounge.
Advanced Training:
We provide experience to already rated rotor wing pilots to jump into the cockpit and get hands on with emergency training and advanced helicopter maneuvers. Brush off the rust and get comfortable and familiarized with emergency procedures so you feel confident in the air. (Available in Jet Rangers, Long Rangers, MD900s, and B212)
Insurance Training/Rides:
Insurances often require pilots to receive annual training in helicopter make/model. We have an approved training program through multiple insurance companies that allow us to complete annual insurance training and check rides for Jet Rangers, Long Rangers, and more.
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We know you want the most you can get for your purchase or sale and we will actively pursue the best value we can obtain for your needs. Start by discussing your needs with one of our team members today.
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Ensuring you know the aircraft you are purchasing is of high priority. We work with reputable, knowledgeable mechanics who will inspect aircraft in detail. They will also logbooks and all associated records to make sure you don’t run into any unforeseen surprises.
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With expert knowledge from advisors fully immersed in the industry, we offer unbiased, objective consultations for all types of helicopter operations. We specialize in:
• New company operations
• Utility operations
• Recommended aircraft types according to operations
• Training recommendations
• Part 135 certificate acquisitions
• Part 133 certificate acquisitions
• Consultations of FAA regulations
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We have gone through many meetings and certifications with the FAA. We know that no matter the FSDO, dealing with FAA certifications can be a daunting task. We can handle the certification process of a Part 135 or Part 133 operation, as well as produce compliance statements, GOM’s, hazmat training manuals, training manuals and more. Contact us to discuss how we can help you.
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